Certificate: Award issued upon the successful completion of a program four (4) to six (6) quarters in length.
Class: A period of instruction made up of one or more contact hours covering a specific curriculum topic. Classes include lectures, labs, guided rehearsals and ensembles.
Contact Hour: One hour of scheduled instruction (also referred to as a clock hour). Contact hours for each program are listed in the Program Information Section of this Catalog.
Course: A one-quarter-long series of classes.
Course Level: A group of courses that make up one quarter of instruction in a given program (ex: Course Level 1: Preparatory A).
Course Sequence: A progressive series of courses on a particular curricular topic that build upon each other.
Credit Hour Equivalence: The number of quarter credit hours equivalent to the number of contact hours plus related independent practice/study hours.
Diploma: Award issued upon the successful completion of a program that is six (6) quarters or longer.
Emphasis: The specific instrument a student studies throughout a program (including voice).
Lecture: A class delivered by an instructor in a real or virtual classroom setting.
Letter of Completion: Award issued upon successful completion of a Collective Extension course offering.
Practice/Preparation/Study Hours: Unsupervised hours outside contact hours that are required to meet course requirements. These hours vary according to the type of instruction (lecture, rehearsal, lab, performance, private lesson).
Private Lesson: One-on-one, instrument-specific instruction (also called “anchor lesson”).
Proficiency Rating: The level of skill required to undertake and/or complete a given course.
Program: A series of related courses with defined entry and completion requirements leading to a Letter of Completion, Certificate or Diploma.
Quarter: Ten weeks of instruction.
Rehearsal/Performance/Lab: Instructor-supervised group practice or rehearsal (ex: Real-Deal Rehearsal).
Transferring from Another Institution
The Collective does not accept transfer credits from other institutions, but applicants are evaluated and may receive advanced placement within a given program based on their current levels of technique, musicianship, and performance skills (see “Audition Requirements”). Students must complete at least 50% of the program in which they are enrolled to earn the related credential.
Credit for Courses Previously Completed at The Collective
The Collective allows students who have successfully completed courses at The Collective to transfer those courses into other programs. Courses completed in the last five (5) years in which a student has earned a minimum grade of C may be transferred into a related program.
Students who have taken more than one (1) year away from their program will need to audition for ensemble assignments and take a placement examination for reading and musicianship prior to resuming their studies. If the student does not place at the level required to reenter the program, the Director of Education will work with the student on a remediation plan. Alternatively, the Director of Education may recommend that the student repeat coursework in order to be able to reenter and advance in a program successfully. (Fees may apply for remediation and/or repeated coursework.)
Students must fulfill all requirements of the current program for the new enrollment year, not the program in which they were previously enrolled.
Transferring to Another Institution
The Collective does not guarantee that courses or programs are transferable to other institutions, colleges, or universities. Acceptability of credit is always up to the receiving institution. However, The Collective will provide a transcript and course information to support students wishing to apply for transfer credit to another institution.
A. Attendance/Lateness
Maintaining good attendance is a requirement to remain in good standing at The Collective. The following policy defines how tardiness and poor attendance are measured and reflected in the grading system.
15 minutes late to class = marked as late
25 minutes late to class= marked as absent
Two unexcused late arrivals to class = marked as one absence
Three unexcused late arrivals to class = dropped one letter grade
Three unexcused absences = marked as having failed the class
Note: Students marked absent for more than 25% of a given course level or class sequence will be considered as having failed the course level or class sequence, unless otherwise stated through written notification of acknowledgement of extenuating circumstances. Students will be notified of failed courses by email. A meeting with a member of the admissions and education team must be scheduled within 7 days of receiving the notification of failure in order to discuss options for making up failed courses.
Absences caused by prolonged medical or personal emergencies may, on a case-by-case basis, be considered for additional make-up classes. Students absent without notice for five consecutive days or more, will be considered to be on a leave of absence, pending completion of the Leave of Absence procedure (see Academic Policies). Students not completing the leave of absence procedure in a timely manner, (within 10 days of first absence), will be dropped from the program immediately.
Students failing due to lack of minimum attendance will be subject to termination.
A committee, consisting of the CEO, Director of Operations, and Director of Education, will review all cases for possible termination in which students have failed due either to lack of minimum attendance or grade requirements. The final decision of the committee will be communicated immediately to the student via email.
B. Make-ups
Missed classes may be made up by using an assigned elective private lesson for up to 2 absences per quarter. For example, if a course consists of 8 classes, students are eligible to make up 2 class absences before failing a course due to course attendance.
C. Changing Programs
Students wishing to change programs must first get permission from the Director of Education. If approved, the student is responsible for any additional costs related to the change in program. Multi-quarter program changes must be made no later than four weeks prior to the upcoming quarter (See “Refunds”).
ACADEMIC POLICIES – Standards for Monitoring Progress
A. Leave of Absence Policy
Students applying for a leave of absence due to bereavement, national service, or serious illness, are required to submit a written request to the Director. Students requesting a leave of absence, upon approval, can take up to 30 days off and one extension of another 30 days only with the Director’s approval.
The Collective does understand that there may be extenuating circumstances in which a student may need to take a leave of absence longer than 60 days. Students in need of an extended leave of absence must meet with the Director of Education for approval, and provide documentation of the circumstance.
On rare occasions, absences may be caused by extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student or the institution preventing participation in class, such as a national disaster or other catastrophic event. In these cases, students do not have to request a leave of absence. The student may be provided with an extension to complete training equivalent to the time missed, and the same amount of additional time will be given to all students in the same circumstances. In no case will the additional time be in an amount that will compromise the educational soundness of the student’s program of study.
B. Grading System
Individual classes are graded on a percentage and letter grade basis. The grading scale is as follows:
Grade Letter Grade
93 – 100% A
90 – 92% A-
87 – 89% B+
83 – 86% B
80 – 83% B-
77 -79% C+
73 – 76% C
70 – 73% C-
67- 69% D+
63 – 66% D
60 – 63% D-
59% and below F
C. Contact Hour & Credit Equivalency Policy
Course workloads at The Collective are designated by contact hours (see “Definitions”).
Each contact hour requires a certain number of additional unsupervised practice/preparation/study hours in order to meet course expectations. Unsupervised time requirements vary according to the type of instruction (lecture, lab, rehearsal, performance, private lesson). Students enrolled in a full-time program can expect to devote a total of 30-40 hours per week of effort in combined contact hours and unsupervised hours, equivalent to 12-15 quarter-credit hours (quarter-credit hour equivalencies for each program may be found in the program descriptions).
The accuracy of contact hours earned is ensured through each student’s attendance records as well as their academic progress.
The Collective reminds students that acceptance of transfer credits is always up to the discretion of the receiving institution and is never guaranteed.
D. Minimum Satisfactory Grade
Students must maintain an average program grade of C or higher for all of their courses. Student¹s receiving a grade lower than C will be put on probation status for the following quarter. A faculty member will be assigned to each student, as an anchor teacher, during the probation period. Any student placed on probation will receive a written warning.
E. Minimum Standards of Proficiency
There is an expectation that students will invest the appropriate amount of time to achieve a minimal degree of proficiency on each of the weekly assignments within a course. The instructor will determine and communicate the minimal level of proficiency for each assignment. Students falling behind in any area should first review the material with their anchor teacher. If, after reviewing the material with their anchor teacher, the student is still having trouble catching up with the class assignment, then it is recommended that the student use an elective lesson to take extra private lessons with the course instructor. If the student does not have extra elective private lessons available, the student may opt to pay for an additional lesson.
If the student is unable to utilize the above remedies or has used these remedies without achieving an appropriate level of proficiency, then the student should meet with the Director of Education to discuss the problem and possible solutions.
F. Academic Progress Policy
Students at The Collective are expected to make regular progress through their program of study. The Collective’s programs have been structured to allow students to complete their program of study within the published program length. Students must complete their program within 150% of the published program length.
To progress through their program, students must obtain a minimum grade of a C and maintain a minimum 75% attendance rate in each course, as well as meet any course specific requirements.
The ability to complete the program within 150% of the published time frame provides students with flexibility, if, for example, courses need to be repeated. If a student is unable to complete their program due to extenuating circumstances, either personal or professional, the student should request a Leave of Absence (see “Leave of Absence” ). A Leave of Absence is a break in a student’s education, and does not count toward the 150% timeframe.
Students who are not making adequate progress in their classes may consult with the Director of Education or advisor to request academic support. In these cases, the Director of Education or advisor may consult with the faculty to provide whatever support is necessary to enable that student to make satisfactory academic progress. Likewise, faculty may inform the Director of Education of a student’s lack of progress, who can then intervene with the student as necessary.
In extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student or the institution that prevent participation in class, such as a national disaster or other catastrophic event, the student may be provided with an extension to complete training equivalent to the time missed. In these rare cases, the same amount of additional time will be given to all students in the same circumstances. In no case will the additional time be in an amount that will compromise the educational soundness of the student’s program of study.
G. Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy
Students failing a course, or receiving a letter grade lower than a C, will be placed on immediate academic probation until a curriculum meeting is scheduled between the student and the Director of Education. Students are notified of their underperformance and their probationary status via email during the mid-quarter review that takes place during week 5 of a 10 week quarter. Students are expected to comply and schedule meetings with the Director within 3 business days from receiving academic probation notification or subject to possible failing grade for the entire quarter.
Students will be given the option to raise their grade to a satisfactory level before the second half of the quarter ends through make-up lessons. A special “anchor” teacher will be assigned to the student to supervise and advise the student during this period. Two consecutive failing quarters, or two quarters of final grade lower than C, will result in termination of the student’s enrollment.
Students failing due to lack of Academic Standards will be subject to termination.
A committee, consisting of the CEO, Director of Operations, and Director of Education, will review all cases for possible termination in which students have failed due either to lack of minimum attendance or grade requirements. The final decision of the committee will be communicated to the student via email immediately.
H. Graduation Requirements
Students must have successfully completed all program requirements, including any reading level and musicianship level requirements, with an average passing grade of C or above to graduate. Students who complete a program of six (6) quarters or more will receive a Diploma. Students who complete a program of fewer than six (6) quarters will receive a Certificate.
I. Student Records
The Collective maintains comprehensive records on all students who enroll in its programs. The records are maintained electronically via encrypted off-site servers that are backed-up regularly. Hard copies are stored in a locked fireproof cabinet accessible only to administrators.
Student records include:
Personal Information (address, email, etc.)
Enrollment Agreement
Student initiated petitions/forms
Course Enrollment and Completion
Grades Received
Disciplinary Actions (Warning(s), Probation(s), conduct violations, etc.)
Progress Evaluations
Certificate Conferred
Student records are maintained actively during the enrollment period. Records are archived once a student graduates, is terminated, or otherwise exits The Collective.
Archived records are maintained for three (3) years from the students exit from the school. Each student’s final transcript will be maintained indefinitely.
The safety and security of all students, faculty, staff and customers is a proper concern of The Collective. Acts of violence made by or against any of the aforementioned are not permitted. Students, faculty, staff or customers committing acts of violence are subject to disciplinary action that may result in suspension of privileges, suspension and/or dismissal from the College, and/or prosecution under the appropriate general statutes.
The following behaviors are prohibited:
- Any act or threat of violence made by a student, employee or customer against another;
- Any act or threat of violence including, but not limited to, intimidation, harassment or coercion;
- Any act or threat of violence which endangers the safety of students, employees, customers, vendors, contractors or the general public;
- Any act or threat of violence made directly or indirectly by words, gestures or symbols; and
- Use or possession of dangerous weapons on the College campus.
- The use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes of any kind is not tolerated or permitted inside The Collective building or facility. Any student caught with any of these items in the school will be asked to leave promptly and risks being terminated from their current program.
Students enrolled at The Collective are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and courtesy at all times. All rules and policies must be adhered to without exception. The Collective reserves the right to terminate any student who does not adhere to the policies, rules and procedures of The Collective, or who acts in any manner that creates a negative impact on the school and its students, staff, and faculty.
Anyone entering the building without their identification cards must obtain a temporary identification sticker from the front desk upon arrival. Students bringing guests into the building must sign their guest in at the front desk and receive a visitor’s identification sticker.
The Collective has adopted the NASM-developed health and safety material for school administrators and students. Health and safety seminars are offered to students annually, usually at the beginning of the fall and spring quarters. Topics include Hearing Health, the Alexander Technique, and Overcoming Performance Anxiety. The instructor for these classes is a medical professional from the local area medical community – usually a nurse or nurse–practitioner–or a qualified subject matter expert.
Each student receives the NASM student information sheet for both Neuromusculoskeletal and Vocal Health. The topic outline provided in the Information and Recommendations for Administrators and Faculty in Schools of Music is followed as written.
The Collective provides free earplugs for all students and has a standing rule with our faculty regarding maintaining safe volume for any ensemble rehearsal of performance.
All students are able to file a complaint to the school if they feel their rights as a student are being violated by any of the school’s staff or faculty. Students can submit a written complaint to the Director of Education either in a letter or via email. The student has the option of including their name or providing the complaint anonymously. After receiving the complaint, the Director of Education may request an appointment (if the student provides their identity) with the student to discuss the issue and resolve it. The students should know that they will not be penalized for submitting complaints and that they should feel safe in doing so as needed.
1. A student who withdraws within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement will receive a full refund of all monies paid to date with the exception of the non-refundable fees.
2. Thereafter, a student will be responsible for:
a. The non-refundable application fee
b. The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted
c. Tuition liability as of the last day of physical attendance, or notification to the school of intent to withdraw.
The following chart shows the tuition liability and the amount of refund for each quarter of study.
The amounts shown in the chart reflect the tuition and the tuition liability for that quarter only.
All tuition paid for subsequent quarters of study will be refunded in full.
The amount of the refund is based on the assumption that the student has paid the full tuition. For students who are paying their tuition on a payment plan, the amount of refund will be based on the amount of tuition they have paid so far which may result in the student having a remaining tuition balance owed to the school.
The Collective’s tuition refund policy is as follows:
Quarter // Tuition Refund Due Student
Prior to the start of the quarter through the first week // 100% (Less non-refundable fees)
During 2nd Week // 75%
During 3rd Week // 50%
During 4th Week// 25%
After 4th week // 0%
1. Notify the Director of Education in writing of your intention to withdraw, detailing the reasons for your request.
2. The staff will calculate your tuition liability and refund as per the refund policy.
3. You will receive a refund information form detailing your tuition liability and refund amount.
4. You then sign the refund information form.
5. Your refund will be made by check or wire/bank transfer within 4 to 5 weeks of the date the form was signed. The withdrawn student is responsible for any fees associated with a wire/bank transfer.